Since 2011, on the initiative of colleagues from the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry, the second stage of the National Physics Olympiad has been organised online. Currently, around 2000 students participate each year.

Number of participants in the regional phase since it was organised online.

School year 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade In total
2011/2012 547 464 414 436 1861
2012/2013 613 427 449 385 1874
2013/2014 709 543 457 452 2161
2014/2015 750 546 519 420 2235
2015/2016 854 675 517 473 2519
2016/2017 805 668 504 437 2414
2017/2018 794 641 535 475 2445
2018/2019 846 580 536 461 2423
2019/2020 803 669 457 425 2354
2020/2021 595 461 488 395 1939
2021/2022 588 453 388 368 1797
2022/2023 772 542 417 276 2007

In the regional stage, participants have to solve three tasks, each worth 10 points. Each task consists of several questions, the answers to which students have to enter on the Moodle site where the Olympiad tasks have been created. Answers must be entered as numerical values in the fields provided or one or more answers must be selected from the choices provided. In order to minimise the impact of possible numerical calculation errors on the overall result, the questions in the exercise are designed independently of each other, so that if a participant makes a calculation error in one question, this does not affect the subsequent solution.

The duration of the regional stage is 3 hours. Immediately after submitting the Olympiad work, the participant sees his/her scores in the system. Within an hour or so after the Olympiad, when all answers have been registered, participants can see on the Olympiad website the distribution of points and the maximum number of points obtained in each grade group, as well as their provisional position among all participants in the corresponding grade group. After the Olympiad, participants have the opportunity to discuss the Olympiad tasks, answers and results in a forum on the Olympiad website. The forum is a place for discussions on a variety of issues in the Olympiad, sometimes leading to adjustments in the conditions of the tasks and the grades accordingly. These discussions are very valuable as they contribute to both the participants' understanding of physics and reasoning skills and to the professional development of the task authors. The 20–35 participants in each grade group with the highest scores are invited to participate in the next national stage. 

The previous years' regional tasks are also available as practice tasks in preparation for the Olympiads, as the answers are displayed in the system: how many points were obtained; which tasks were solved correctly, which were not; the solution and explanation of the problem, as well as the correct answer.