Mācību priekšmetu olimpiāžu uzdevumu un to risinājumu krājums. Fizika.
A collection of tasks and solutions for Olympiads in academic subjects. Physics. 
(in Latvian)
Ludmila Belogrudova, Jānis Cīmurs, Inese Dudareva, Vjačeslavs Kaščejevs, Paulis Paulins
Valsts izglītības satura centrs, 2021

The collection of tasks and solutions for the Olympiads in the subjects has been developed within the framework of the project of the National Centre for Education "Implementation of national and international activities for the development of learners' talents" (project No and covers the content of the Olympiads in the subjects from 2017 to 2020.

Available at: https://ej.uz/fizika_olimpiades


Dabaszinātņu mācību metodika.
Methodology of science teaching. 
(in Latvian)
Jāzeps Logins, Rita Birziņa, Inese Dudareva, Gunta Kalvāne
Skolotāju izglītības joma: Dabaszinātnes. LU PPMF, 2020

The book was developed in the framework development project of 2020 of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Art "Development of Innovative Learning Materials for New Study Programmes in Education, Pedagogy and Sport". The book is intended for students, future teachers. The proposed material will be potentially useful in any methodology course in primary education teacher programmes for targeted organisation of the development of students' creativity and, consequently, pervasive skills – creativity and entrepreneurship, critical thinking and problem solving, as well as self-directed learning – in different educational fields.

Available at: https://ej.uz/dabaszinatnumetodika


Physics Olympiads websitehttps://ej.uz/fiz_olimpiade

Astronomy Olympiads websitehttps://ej.uz/astro_olimpiade

Astronomy for secondary school: an advanced coursehttps://ej.uz/astro_vidusskolai